In 2024, CT Pest Solutions launched a new eCommerce channel to allow customers to order and pay for our services online.

Now you can go to our website and with only a few clicks, you can order one-time or recurring services to eliminate pests, remove bats, control rodents and any other extermination services you may need.

Of course, if you prefer to talk on the phone, that option is still available as well – you can call or text us at 203-903-1645, describe your pest control needs and schedule a visit by one of our professionals.

If you’d like to try our new eCommerce online ordering channel, here is how it works:

  • Navigate to the Order Service Now link in the site’s top navigation menu.
  • From the list, click on the pest that you’d like to eliminate – Ants, Bald-Faced Hornets, Bats, and so on. This will take you to the service’s product page.
  • From here, you will need to select the size of the house – single family, two-family or three-family.
  • Every service has a detailed product writeup about the nature of the pest, damage done, and what the elimination service actually entails (pest life cycle, waste elimination, pest reoccurrence guarantee and so on).
  • After selecting home size options, you can add the service to cart. This way, you can order several pest control services at once.

Orders can be paid for online, using a credit card.

CT Pest Solutions will follow up with you to schedule service within 24 hours.

Satisfaction guaranteed! Click through to the pest control services shopping page and place your pest control order today!